Kylie Jenner, Inc. files a trademark application to register RISE AND SHINE. 

Recent footage of Kylie Jenner singing the phrase “Rise and Shine” to her daughter went viral in October 2019. Since the video was leaked, “Rise and Shine” has been used in countless memes on social media and has even appeared on apparel and accessories around the world. 

Now, the 22-year old billionaire is trying to trademark RISE AND SHINE for Cosmetic use.

RISE AND SHINE Trademark Application 

A Trademark Application was filed on October 17, 2019, by Kylie Jenner, Inc. However, the RISE AND SHINE trademark application quickly became a controversial topic on social media and in the world of Trademark Law. 

Kylie Jenner, Inc. has already received some push back from Cathy Beggan, a businesswoman and single mother from New Jersey. Beggan has spent years developing a nutritional supplement and cosmetic company under the brand name “Rise N Shine LLC”, and is therefore the rightful owner of the trademark. 

Beggan is willing to fight for the trademark, but will also consider collaborating with Jenner to avoid bringing the issue to court.

Will the RISE AND SHINE Trademark Register?

The trademark application will be examined 4-6 months from the filing date. However, there are numerous prior filed RISE AND SHINE trademark applications that may affect the outcome of Jenner’s recent filing. Visit my other article for more about the Trademark Application Timeline and Process.