Amazon Brand Registry Trademark

Amazon now requires brands provide a Trademark Registration for enrollment into the Amazon Brand Registry. In order to enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry, the owner must have a registered trademark. The Amazon Brand Registry offers Brand Owners powerful tools for stopping piracy and infringement. They include “proprietary text and image search, predictive automation [...]

By |2018-04-23T16:29:27+00:00April 23rd, 2018|Application, Office Action, online, response, Trademark|0 Comments

What is the Trademark Supplemental Register?

What Is the Trademark Supplemental Register? If you are reading this, you likely have an office action rejecting your trademark under Section 2(e) of the Trademark Act for being merely descriptive or geographically descriptive. Or, you have a distinctiveness rejection for a shape, color, or trade dress mark. One possible way around the rejection is [...]

How to Respond to Trademark Office Action – Prior-Filed Application Rejection

How to Respond to Trademark Office Action – Prior-Filed Application Rejection A Prior-Filed Application notice means that another pending trademark application is blocking yours.  Someone else filed an application before your application date, and the earlier application is similar enough to yours to be a grounds for rejection.  Trademark [...]

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