Lebron James Files TACO TUESDAY Trademark Application – USPTO Denies
LBJ Trademarks LLC, on behalf of Lebron James, filed a TACO TUESDAY trademark application to register the phrase with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
About the Trademark Application
The trademark application was filed on August 15, 2019. However, the USPTO denied the application because the expression “…is a commonplace term message, or expression widely used by a variety of sources that merely conveys an ordinary, familiar, well-recognized concept or sentiment,” according to the USPTO examining attorney in the declined trademark application.
For more information about the next steps in the trademark application and registration process, visit my other article The Trademark Process and Timeline.

Lebron James often uses the phrase on Instagram to describe taco nights with his family. However, the general public questioned whether or not a single person should own the rights to such a widely used phrase.