

Trademark Granted for Jewelry Monster

What We Do: Our trademark attorney having and office in Scranton prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.  

By |August 24th, 2014|

Start Ups and Trademarks

One of the first things a start up must consider is brand identity.  How will I identify my company to the public.  When you consider a new brand name, you should check to make sure someone is not using it for the same or related goods/services.  A trademark search is a good way to start.  If you are just concerned with United States trademark rights, and you don't plan conducting any international commerce, you can visit the US Patent and Trademark Office Website to conduct a search of registered marks. Even if a mark is not registered, a trademark owner can have common law trademark rights.  An appropriate search should also be conducted for unregistered / common law trademarks.

By |August 22nd, 2014|

Trademark Application Approved for PALM TREE STATUS

What We Do: Our trademark attorney having an office in Philadelphia prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |August 20th, 2014|

Trademark Registration Granted for SENSUEDE

What We Do: Our Philadelphia trademark attorney, prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.  

By |August 20th, 2014|

Trademark Application Granted for AMERICAN SILK MILLS CORPORATION

What We Do: Our Scranton trademark attorney, prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |August 20th, 2014|

Trademark Application Granted for CHENEY FABRICS

  What We Do: Our trademark attorney, having an office in Scranton, prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.                            

By |August 20th, 2014|

Trademark Application Granted for MUNKO

What We Do: Our trademark attorney, having an office in Philadelphia, prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |August 14th, 2014|

Trademark Application Granted for CHENEY VELVETS

What We Do: Our Philadelphia trademark lawyer prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |September 4th, 2012|

Trademark Application Granted for RADIAC

What We Do: Our  trademark lawyer having office in Philadelphia prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |August 7th, 2012|


What We Do: Our Philadelphia trademark lawyer prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |July 3rd, 2012|
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