

Trademark Application Granted for MANGCHI

What We Do: Our trademark attorney, having an office in Philadelphia, prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |June 7th, 2016|

Trademark Application Granted for COOL PEOPLE PRODUCTIONS

What We Do: Our trademark attorney located in Malvern prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |May 24th, 2016|

Trademark Application Granted for Forward Thinking Fitness of Allentown, Pennsylvania

What We Do: Our trademark attorney, having an office in Allentown prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |May 17th, 2016|

International Trademark Application Granted for Offensive Security by WIPO Pursuant to the Madrid Agreement and Protocol

  What We Do: Our trademark attorney located in Malvern prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |May 17th, 2016|

Copyright Registration for SANTA HAS A WISH

What We Do: Our copyright attorney located in Malvern prepares and files copyright applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |May 13th, 2016|

Trademark Application Granted for JJH Interactives

What We Do: Our trademark attorney located in Malvern prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.  

By |May 13th, 2016|

Trademark Application Granted for FURTHUR BURGUR

What We Do: Our trademark attorney located in Malvern prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |May 13th, 2016|

Copyright Registration for LOGO

What We Do: Our copyright attorney located in Greater Philadelphia prepares and files copyright applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |May 12th, 2016|

Trademark Registration Granted for EVIL GENIUS CIGARS

  What We Do: Our trademark attorney located in Malvern prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.

By |May 12th, 2016|

Trademark Application Granted for Pathway to Stay

What We Do: Our trademark attorney, having an office in Philadelphia, prepares and files trademark applications for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement and unfair competition actions in the Federal Courts throughout the United States and abroad. We also prosecute trademark office actions and appeals before the United States Trademark Office. We draw on our experience as trademark litigators to guide you through the trademark process. We support businesses, law firms, and individuals by providing specialized legal services in intellectual property matters.      

By |May 3rd, 2016|
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