Allentown Trademark Application. is a resource in trademark law for those who work and reside in Allentown, Pennsylvania and the nearby areas. focuses their practice on federal trademark law. Trademark litigation, trademark registration, trademark cease and desist letters. Charles L. Riddle has practiced federal trademark law for over 15 years. He has experience filing trademark applications on behalf of his client.
Wilkes Barre: Trademark Attorney Charles Riddle Mentors Wilkes University Students
Trademark Attorney Charles L. Riddle '97 participates in the 2014 Wilkes University Mentoring Program. Wilkes University, Wilkes Barre PA We specialize in patent law, trademark law, and copyright law. We prepare and file trademark applications, patent applications, and copyright applications. We prosecute and defend trademark infringement lawsuits in the federal courts. Trademark attorney offices are in [...]